Mr. Adams was a tall lean dark skinned man, much like this gentleman pictured here… (or more exactly picture Sidney Poitier, Mr. Adams was the spitting image “red eyes” and all). All I know is… Mr. Adams had an eye for Ms. Givens… and she was left breathless every time he came into her classroom… which was often.
On the first day of class Mr. Adams introduced himself to the class, and then introduced his assistant… something he called… “THE BOARD OF EDUCATION”…
the board of education

…this board of education was a giant PADDLE… and he was striking his hand with it as he introduced it to us… from that day forward I was PARALYZED… I knew that he knew I liked Ms. Givens.. and that he liked her too. From that point forward I tried seriously to make “no mistakes” in Mr. Adams class… and I didn’t. I escaped that class never having to meet “The Board of Education” personally.