My mother when she was about 45 years old.

More about mom later… she was a “STAR”… but life didn’t deal her that hand… or at least, that is not the hand that she played. Just like so many other African-American’s… they were distracted by Trial & Tribulation.
I remember looking out across an empty lot from the porch of the apartment building that we lived in, the building we lived in was a two-story building, we lived on the second-floor end unit which had a porch… I remember that field because it was filled with Sun Flowers… they where so yellow and pretty, so pretty that on more than one occasion I went over to the field and collected a few of the flowers and brought them back to my mother, I did that because the flowers where pretty just like my mother (more about her later in the blog, she played a significant role in who I am today, a fair, honest, and kind person… but don’t play me cheap… there is something I gained from my father too, he was a WWII front-lines rifleman… and trust me, just like him… I’ll “knock you down” if I have to (I will introduce to you more about “Mr. Robinson” later in the blog).
Field of Sunflowers

From the patio you could look out and see an empty lot across the way that was filled with Sunflowers…