A developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior. In other words they can’t seem to break out of the thought of bullying people. And if it doesn’t work with you, they’ll go and try it with someone else… my case-in-point as we go forward.
James H.

James H., my first bully.

As I was leaving class one day (I must have been in the 2nd or 3rd grade)… as I was coming around the side of the school I came face-to-face with someone that I wouldn’t meet again until 30 years later, and guess what… he hadn’t changed a bit when I met him again in that 30 years later, he was still that same James and that same bully. ANYWAY… coming around the side of the school I came face-to-face with James and he tried to bully his way with me… walking right up on me real fast and getting right up in my face… he must have though about it though, because he had a strange look in his face, a puzzled look. He changed his demeanor, and instead of trying to hit me (which is what I thought he was gonna do), he asked me what my name was… then he just walked away… funny, I never saw him again, that is until 30 years later. Yeah, he was gonna try to hit me alright, I can tell because I was the bully in my own neighborhood… more about that later. I wasn’t scared of James, I summed up real fast that we where about the same height… not only that, but I saw in his face that I could beat him… my brother made me tough, using me for a punching bag almost everyday as we where growing up… not only that, but my father was a returned WWII Veteran who saw a lot of action (funny how a lot of the stuff that black soldiers do, never get’s put into the history books)… anyway, my father was a killer… and he enjoyed it. James didn’t scare me… my father made me immune to “real threats”… James was not a “real threat.” A real threat is when your father comes in the house from outside and throws a bunch of dead animals on the floor and starts skinning them… you wonder if you’re next… I saw a lot of that, growing up we ate a lot of rabbit and raccoon, my father enjoyed small game hunting. I added that in here because something significant about that happed later as i was growing up… keep reading I will get to it soon, it happed when I was about 14.
Anyway… things went well after that encounter with James… my next feat… King of The Hill.